We procure our products from our global partners worldwide. Usually, it may take up to 7-20 Days to be delivered once your order has been processed. 

Our goal is to offer you the best shipping options, no matter where you live. We deliver to hundreds of customers worldwide every day, and we strive to provide you with services of the highest level.

Delivery time will be affected by public holidays, mailing addresses, inclement weather, and international express company.

You may track your purchases using your tracking number here.

Shipping rates may vary depending on where your item is located for.





Free Shipping

US$59.99 and up


Note: There are delivery delays in rare instances, where packages may take longer to be delivered than the listed time frame. Unfortunately, it is out of our control and customs may sometimes delay deliveries.

Due to the impact of the epidemic and the different policies of different countries, express delivery cannot guarantee an accurate time limit.

Due to the influence of COVID-19 and the policy restrictions of various countries, there will be a significant delay in all express deliveries, and the logistics cannot guarantee the time limit completely.

NOTES: If the customer authorizes the courier company to place the goods at the door, or authorizes the courier company to sign the goods, If goods are lost, and the customer bears the consequences.